Monday, December 29, 2008

The Story of French in North America

French is spoken officially in 33 countries and is the only language other than English to be taught in every country in the world. There are an estimated 175 million Francophones and 100 million “occasional” speakers of French, plus around 100 million French students. An official language in dozens of international organizations, French remains to this day one of the world’s most important and influential languages.

The Story of French, by Jean-Benoît Nadeau and Julie Barlow, is a definitive analysis of French as it is spoken around the world.

An important part of that story is set in North America (more than you might think -and it’s not just in Quebec).

We speak with Jean-Benoît Nadeau about the story of french - a story set in various parts of the continent. Yes, it’s about language, but it’s also about much more.

The Story of French, Vintage CANADA, 2007 -

At: (Access March, 2008)

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