Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The St. Lawrence Seaway & the Lost Villages after 50 Years

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the opening of the St. Lawrence Seaway. Queen Elizabeth was there. So was President Eisenhower.

This engineering feat had a profound impact on transportation, teh economy and folks who lived nearby or upstream.

We go to Cornwall, Ontario to speak with Lesly O’Gorman and David Hill about what’s planned to mark this 5o anniversary. We also chat about “The Lost Villages” - ten communities near Cornwall, which were permanently submerged by the creation of the Seaway.


Celebrating Canada Day (CBC)


"On July 1, 1867, Canada took its first steps towards official nationhood. It has grown and developed as a nation, and distinguished itself in times of both peace and war. Canada is widely recognized as a place of harmony, liberty and diversity and is routinely ranked as one of the best countries in which to live. In honour of Canada's birthday, CBC Digital Archives (1954-2002) looks back at some defining moments and great Canadians who have helped shape our history".